Will you join us in our heartfelt endeavor to lighten their load and uplift those touched by this condition?
Your steadfast support is a beacon of hope, bringing comfort and solace to individuals and families across Queensland.
Please consider making a donation to Arthritis Queensland today.
A $10 monthly donation can support our informative webinars, covering topics like arthritis management and healthy eating habits.
A $25 monthly donation can support a dance class, where participants experience joy and movement.
A $50 monthly donation covers the expenses of our JIA Kids Camp, providing relief and smiles to children battling Juvenile Arthritis. Your support makes a significant difference.
You can make a difference by supporting the work of Arthritis Queensland. Arthritis Queensland is 95% community funded. We rely on our generous donors and volunteers to ensure that we can continue to provide solutions and support to adults and children living with the pain of arthritis.