Moving Lives, Shaping Futures | The Arthritis Movement>How Can We Help>Online Program | Relax & Restore for Arthritis
We are excited to launch Relax & Restore for Arthritis, a new program designed to help you manage your arthritis
symptoms through stress reduction, simple breathing techniques, and relaxation practices.
This program complements our existing programs by offering a fresh approach to arthritis management and overall wellbeing.
Living with arthritis is about more than just managing physical symptoms—it's also about managing emotional and mental challenges that come with chronic pain. The Relax & Restore for Arthritis program gives you evidence-based tools to increase control of your mental and emotional wellbeing for a positive impact on your physical health as well.
By incorporating slow breathing and relaxation techniques, this program can help reduce stress levels, reduce pain and muscle tension, and improve sleep. These relaxation techniques can lower inflammation and improve pain management, helping you feel more in control of your condition while promoting a sense of calm and balance.
This program provides simple relaxation skills that are evidence-based, non-invasive, non-pharmacological, easy and portable. They can
reduce distress, offer a self-help coping strategy and enable you to feel and live better with your arthritis.
In the Relax & Restore for Arthritis program, you will learn:
Each session includes a combination of theory and practical exercises, followed by a Q&A section. It concludes with a live
relaxation session where you can apply the practical techniques learned during the class.
Dr. Judy Lovas is dedicated to quality education in Relaxation Therapy for anxiety, pain, depression, sleep disorders,
trauma and chronic conditions. Judy has a PhD from Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney and an eclectic background in psychology,
tertiary education, massage therapy, research and clinical practice. Dr. Lovas teaches relaxation skills to schools, workplaces,
clinicians and health care professionals. The sessions demonstrate evidence-based techniques that are effective, easy and simple to
use regularly.
Research shows that deep breathing can have a positive impact on pain management (1,2).
When we breathe deeply and slowly, it activates the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which helps calm the body and reduce stress. Lower stress levels can lead to reduced muscle tension and lower levels of inflammation, both of which are key in managing arthritis pain (1,2).
Studies also show that people who practice deep breathing techniques could better cope with arthritis pain, and reported feeling less discomfort over time (1,2).
People living with arthritis can experience pain, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders or inflammation. Relaxation therapy reduces the impact of stress-related conditions and encourages physiological and psychological balance. Regular relaxation can reduce
symptoms and enhance health.
Relaxation therapy complements and works well with other medical and pharmaceutical interventions.
The 6-week program is designed to fit into your life, offering flexible online zoom sessions that you can access in the comfort of your own home.
Each session goes for 45 minutes, so it's one 45-minute class a week for 6 weeks!
Our Relax & Restore Arthritis program is a virtual group program designed to help people living with arthritis learn techniques to help with their arthritis management. Each week you can join our class from the comfort of your own home with an expert instructor coaching you through a live session.
As a 6-week program, we’ll stay with you at each step of the way. We can help to keep you motivated, offer support, and provide additional resources so you can incorporate them into your daily routine.
With the support of our online community, we can help ensure you’re living life to the fullest.
The total cost of the Relax & Restore for Arthritis program is $42. This equals just $7 per class.
Our Relax & Restore for Arthritis program is made available at the lowest price possible, with all registration fees directly going towards the ongoing costs of running classes. We would love to hear your feedback about this program!
We understand that at times people may experience financial hardship which may prevent them from being able to afford registration costs.
We have a limited number of fully-subsidised spots available; if this applies to you contact Breanna at or 1300 275 826 (extension 27).
Can't find a suitable class time? Sign-up using the form below to get email updates when
new classes are released.
For more information contact Breanna at or call 1300 275 826 extension 27.
We'll have new classes starting every few weeks. Enter your details below and we'll update you once new classes are available!
1. Larsen, Kalee L et al. “Effect of Deep Slow Breathing on Pain-Related Variables in Osteoarthritis.” Pain
research & management vol.
2019 5487050. 3 Jun. 2019, doi:10.1155/2019/5487050
2. Liboriussen, Caroline Hundborg et al. “Investigating the Dose-Response Relationship between Deep Breathing and Heart Rate
Variability in Healthy Participants and Across-Days Reliability in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus.” Sensors
(Basel, Switzerland) vol.
22,18 6849. 10 Sep. 2022, doi:10.3390/s22186849
Arthritis Queensland and Arthritis New South Wales are Members of The Arthritis Movement. Please note that there will be a transition period while our financial and administrative structures are finalised. During this time, we ask that you still donate and make other payments to Arthritis Queensland or Arthritis NSW depending on which state you reside in, which will continue to issue receipts.