Arthritis Assist: Peer to Peer Mentoring Program

Living with arthritis can be a real challenge. Sometimes you just need to speak with someone who has been in your shoes and understands what you’re going through.  

Arthritis Assist can connect you with a fully trained peer-mentor who lives with arthritis just like you. They understand what you’re going through, are there to listen when you need it and can provide the support that’s best for you.  

Arthritis Assist is an evidence based telephone support program using the Peers for Progress model. This is recognised world-wide as a leading guide for designing peer-support programs.  

We know all too well that life with arthritis can be daunting, uncertain or overwhelming. You are not alone - Arthritis Assist can connect you with a fully trained peer-mentor who will phone you at a time that suits you. You can have up to 6-support calls with your peer-mentor. 

How Arthritis Assist can help

  • Free, confidential, and available arthritis support to anyone living in Australia with arthritis.
  • Over 614* people across Australia have now spoken with one of our Peer-Mentors since the Program launched in late 2019.
  • Peer-Mentors have made over 1313* calls to people living with arthritis in Australia.
  • People who have completed the program have reported that they
  • feel more supported to manage their arthritis, and
  • have much better knowledge of where to find more arthritis information and support.

*Data updated December 2024.

Speak with someone who understands

  1. Register for Arthritis Assist using the button below. It will open to a new page with a pre-program questionnaire.
  2. Complete the very short pre-program questionnaire - should only take 5-10 minutes. We cannot organise a peer-mentor to phone you until the pre-program questionnaire is completed.
  3. Once completed, we'll be in touch with you in 1-2 days to match you with your peer-mentor.
  4. Your peer-mentor will give you a call at a time that suits you! 


Read what our Arthritis Assist participants have been saying about the program:

"I hesitated at first after contacting Arthritis Assist, but that was short lived after I had my first phone consult. The help I received was so helpful and understanding. I would certainly recommend a friend to make this move." Arthritis Assist Participant 

"I was impressed that [my Peer-Mentor] called on time, and gave me some very useful information. She has a great understanding and empathy and I felt supported and validated." Arthritis Assist Participant 

"Appreciated talking to my mentor. It gave me support in talking about what I want to do, validation for the way I feel which I realise was important to me. Thank you." 
Arthritis Assist Participant 

"My peer-mentor helped me understand more about my condition, what I can do to help my day-to-day life, and ways to reduce my pain. This is a great service and I highly recommend it to people who feel alone and confused with their condition." Arthritis Assist Participant

"My peer-mentor was warm and friendly, with lots of tips and affirmations on ways to manage my arthritis. This is a valuable service." Arthritis Assist Participant

"Arthritis Assist is a great service, I wish I signed up earlier in my diagnosis" Arthritis Assist Participant

Arthritis Assist Program FAQs

Please contact Breanna or call 1300 275 826 (extension 27) to find out more

 Frequently Asked Questions

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Arthritis Queensland and Arthritis New South Wales are Members of The Arthritis Movement. Please note that there will be a transition period while our financial and administrative structures are finalised. During this time, we ask that you still donate and make other payments to Arthritis Queensland or Arthritis NSW depending on which state you reside in, which will continue to issue receipts.