Theracurmin helps Chloe’s swollen fingers

Chloe’s rheumatoid arthritis (RA) began at 13 with a swollen finger while she was attending boarding school. ‘It was 1971 and the GP rested my finger by making his own splint, but soon my whole right hand was affected. It was so swollen I couldn’t make a fist,’ she recalled.

‘I saw a rheumatologist when my feet became affected, and he recommended orthotics.’

The arthritis returned two years later, and Chloe recalled that her new medication turned her skin slightly green, which was difficult to deal with at boarding school at her age.

‘I had bouts every so often for years, and then 10 years ago it returned,’ she said. ‘My GP recommended theracurmin which is derived from turmeric which helped my fingers enormously. I’ve had no swelling since taking the capsules.’

Unfortunately, the capsules have not helped with the RA in both her feet. ‘I’ve been trialing medication for over two years now and the pain in my feet is finally being alleviated.

‘I decided to donate to Arthritis NSW because I’m a strong believer in donating to charities that help people. Also, I think your website is great,’ she said. ‘I’ve been a donor to many charities for 45 years and I still volunteer.’

The views and experiences shared in this post are those of the individual and may not reflect the views or experiences of The Arthritis Movement. This is not intended as medical advice. Always consult your healthcare team before changing or starting new healthcare management strategies. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information in this story, no warranties or guarantees are given, nor is any responsibility accepted by the publishers, its agents or anyone else involved in its production for any errors which may occur.

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