2022 Federal Election Campaign

We need your help!

One in seven Australians are living with arthritis – that’s more than 3.6 million people of all ages and walks of life, including younger and older adults, and children. Far too often, their pain and disability are trivialised and they miss out on the support and care that could make a real difference to their quality of life. People with arthritis are tired of being told to “just put up with it”.

From now until the Federal election on 21 May 2022, Arthritis Australia is running the #1in7withArthritis campaign to lobby federal parliamentarians for more support for people with arthritis. And we need your help!

Step one
– email your local MP by using this tool:


Step two – spread the word on your socials, using the #1in7withArthritis hashtag


Read more about the campaign at

Arthritis Queensland and Arthritis New South Wales are Members of The Arthritis Movement. Please note that there will be a transition period while our financial and administrative structures are finalised. During this time, we ask that you still donate and make other payments to Arthritis Queensland or Arthritis NSW depending on which state you reside in, which will continue to issue receipts.